A cool day today. With the rain and all. And where was I?
I was couped up in a van waiting for time to pass because of the red plate.
So there I was, drinking coffee, eating biscuit, talking to myself..
Hockey training training was canceled due to obvious reasons.
Waste of time. Getting wet for no reason, I should have seen it coming, but nooo..
"The rain is going to stop already"
Yea right.
But then again, the rain is.. peaceful.
It is cold and all, but peaceful.
Being couped up for 2 hours in the van in the rain give me time to think, see, observe. Strangely, i didn't sleep, even though i considered it as the best time to sleep.
One thought. I think through all that has happened for the last 6 months. School life , house life, half life and all. :p
All the rights and wrongs and what went wrong when it was right(some crazy tongue twister huh? haha).
What has been done and what have not.
What is gained and what was lost.
The important events, the ripple effect where an event had altered all the things i knew and once accept.
And only to realise..
That all those things aren't important anymore.
But yes, I had taken in all that I've learnt, gained, and loss.
But dwelling on the past would not do me any good. But i can't help it i guess.
To be reminiscing on the past whether good or bad is part of our nature.
That's what our brains are for.
Another thing.
Observing the rain once in a while brings about a few discoveries too.
It somehow can be relate to life i guess.
Like how the number of raindrops and ripples somehow always (or not) fall on the spot, but yet, it does not increase or decrease in numbers whether the rain turns heavy or light. Heavy rain only meant that the water droplets are heavier and falling faster. But it lands on only that spot.
I guess it show that no matter how hard life hits you, you're still you. Problems big or small, you're still you. Somehow, the sun will come out.
(Eerrg, corny)
If one were to notice too, when water fully covers the surface on one side of window glass, it somehow makes what you see on the other side a whole lot clearer and nicer than it was before. And the rain makes me see that. So i guess that we have to fully commit in the things we do so that the fruits will bear, to see clearly, and find new vision.
The rain is indeed, peaceful.
"When it rains, everyone will seek shelter, leaving you alone and time for yourself, in the rain." - quote from TV show, Heartlanders. ( I think, its somewhere along that line)
I guess i experiance that serenity today. Although some of them may be disturbing.
Time to rediscover what I really am.